Let´s enjoy English

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Let´s enjoy it!

quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2013

What a terrible flood!

Just watch this video! Isn't it awful?
Nature is really powerful.
Can you name other natural phenomena that can also bring such huge destruction to people and property?

What about the attitude of the people who are filming this mess?
What's your opinion about their reaction?

17 comentários:

  1. Oh my God if it was me i did not filmed!
    I would only search for a place secure!

  2. Whoa! The people who were filming this were really brave, but maybe, also very curious about what would happen with all that mess, if that was me I would be running out of there faster than a person can say massachusetts

    Tiago Ramalho nº25

  3. Floods are terrible, as well as hurricanes very common in the US. Also in Portugal we had last year a lot of damages caused by a hurricane.
    If I was there the only thing that I would was to RUN FOR MY LIFE!!! It is really scaring how the water can be so powerful.

    Nuno Peixoto nº23 9ºD

  4. hello !
    yes, I know other phenomena that may cause such destruction. For example, I think that earthquakes may effect many properties and can cause the death of many people ..

    Ana Saraiva nº5 7ºA

  5. This is terrible.
    I would search a place to hide, because I am very afraid of flooding, such as hurricanes.

    Iolanda Costa Nº9 7ºB

  6. Hi,everyone,

    We should really run for our lives, as Nuno said.
    Such events are too overwhelming.
    the teacher

  7. People who filmed this mess should be ashamed of yourself. Because no one is interested in filming this misfortune.

    claudia nº10 7ºA

  8. It was a disgrace they had filmed it, not because they have no interest in filming it.

    andreia nº6 7ºA

  9. hello teacher,
    we were in Portugal at least in recent years we have suffered many floods or something ...
    We in Portugal this very well (at least continental Portugal)
    7ºA Nª21

  10. it's terrible catástrofe, destroys houses, vehicles and sometimes causes deases

    João Tabuaço 7ºA

  11. Hi!
    Some are natural phenomena for example earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.
    I think people who are to film are very concerned about what might happen.
    Inês Pires

  12. This, in my opinion has to do with the greenhouse effect.
    These natural phenomena when they happen, they leave a lot of people in "misery"
    Pedro Matias 7ºB Nº20

  13. Hi,
    it is really worrying, isn't it?
    Cars going down the stream , property destroyed.
    Just awful.

  14. Floods and other natural phenomena like hurricanes are terrible. I would be really scared if it happened to me and i wouldn't film it, but I think it's important that someone films it to warn others that live nearby.
    Bye teacher.

    Rita Faria n22 7B

  15. Hi Rita,

    It is really amazing how some people are so cold blooded to be able to record such scenes on film.
    I wouldn't ...that is... I couldn't do it.

  16. I think that the people who filmed this are retarded because everyone just whats to see good things happening not bad things. If i was on that country i wouldn´t have a car... i would have a boat or at least something that floats (my rubber ducky)

    Bernardo Santos nº8 7ºA

  17. HI,Bernardo,
    Well, I wouldn't use the word "retarded" but something close ... :-)
