Let´s enjoy English

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segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2013

A healthy lifestyle


So, can you give me some advice about what to do to lead a healthy life?

23 comentários:

  1. I know lead a healthy life is the better for us, but sometimes the fast food is so good that we prefer to eat, but i know too that makes bad to us , but is soo good, and tasty.

    Beatriz Teixeira nº6 9ºD

  2. Everyone knows that fast food is bad but everyone eats incluino I therefore know very well. But there are people who eat fast food more often. I admit I like fast food but it's only once enquuando, about once in two months and maybe not even that. Fast food is problematic because it has so much fat and that can preovocar various diseases such as: Obesity, High Cholesterol, Gastritis, Diabetes and Hypertension. But a poor diet is not just about eating fats food because eating healthier is one quano apessoa varies, do not eat foods gordorosas.

    Fabio Teles
    Nº 14

    1. Hi,Renato,
      some of your words are a bit strange. What is happening?
      Did you google the text??
      the teacher

  3. A person to be completely healthy needs to be phisically, mentally and socially well.People need to be carefull when they have a bad life style, they need to eat well,do exercise nbe calm and a p+ositive person.If people have a bad life style they will have a sad end.

    Pedro Santos Nº20 9ºE

  4. Hello !
    I think that to have a healthy live, a person must do exercice and have a balanced diet ..

    Ana Saraiva nº5 7ºA

  5. Having a good health and a good life, not only has to do with food but also with social and mental wellbeing.
    The food is something we need to know what is done to know whether we can we eat without any problem.

    Sara Osório Nº 26 9ºD

  6. Hi,
    I am in full agreement.
    Balance is the most important thing in all aspects of our life, including our eating habits.
    the teacher

  7. Hello!
    I think that to be healthy you need to do much exercise and a well balanced diet. :-)
    Ana Luisa Nº3 7ºA

  8. Hello teacher!
    I do not understand.Says we have to have a healthy life, eat vegetables but then decided to invent fast food meals so good.But ok.Also to have a healthy life we need to be mentally healthy so we have to have a calm and peaceful life.

    Marta Meireles nº15 7ºB

    1. It isn't fair, is it?

      Be we have to be strong :-)
      Good stuff only a bit at the weekend.( Don't tell anybody I said so).

  9. Hello teacher
    I find that to be healthy we must avoid fast food.
    We do exrcício physical and go on a diet.

    Hugo Queirós nº17 7ºA

  10. Hi...
    Walking, doing physical exercise, not smoking, not drinking alcoholic beverages, avoid salt and sugar.

    João Vieira nº19 7ºA

  11. Ola professora e colegas!
    Eu tento nao exceder das gurduras e das calorias mas sim, é dificil mas agora ando a praticar desporto poisa isso é fundamental para ser .
    pedro matias 7º B Nº20

  12. Hi! Yes it can help. I advise you not to eat too many sweets and eat healthy things, and not to eat too much at dinner and lunch and eat a little every hour meal (for breakfast, lunch, dinner and full). Here is my advice.

    Ana Pinto Nº4 7ºA

  13. I think to have a healthy lifestyle we need to exercise, not smoking, not drinking alcoholic beverages and eating healthy food.

    Pedro Pais Nº18 7ºB

  14. I think that to have a healthy lifestyle need not smoking, not having a sedentary lifestyle and eating well.

    Tiago Rebelo 7ºB Nº25

  15. Hi everybody,

    such nice words. I hope you do what you write ...but it is difficult sometimes, isn't it?

  16. We need be phisically, mentally and socially well for be health. We need be carefull about what we eat and do exercise ! I know that sometimes we dont have time for eat because the work or something and we prefer fast food ( That is really good ) but we dont need be private of that, just need be control for not eat always fast food.

    Miriam Silva 9ºE

    1. Hi Miriam,
      I totally agree. Sometimes we don't have time to dedicate to our body, to exercise it,to keep fit but it is very important not to forget it.
      the teacher

  17. I think that we should have done a varied and healthy food
    Mariana Moreira nº14 7ºB

  18. Hi Mariana,
    I agree with you. We should have a balanced diet and we must eat healthy food.

  19. Should have a healthy diet to make us good to health.
    Ha healthy foods that are good!
    Bye! :)

    Fabiana Nº15 7ºA
