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terça-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2013

The Valley of the Fairy Chimneys - Goreme - turkey

Goreme National Park in Cappadocia, central Turkey, is home to one of nature's most intriguing phenomena.
Commonly referred to as the Valley of the Fairy Chimneys, after the strange rock formations that proliferate in the region, this weird and wonderful landscape was formed when three volcanoes, Erciyes, Hasan and Melendiz erupted around 30 million years ago.
The deposits they created make up a material called tuff, a soft rock that is easily eroded to form extraordinary table mountains, fairy chimneys and undulating, and-dune like cliff faces. For hundreds of years, the indigenous population had carved homes out of the rocks.

18 comentários:

  1. He loved to visit the Valley of the Fairy Chimneys!
    Seems to be a magnificent place!!

    Barbara 7ºA nº7

  2. It was a very interesting visit, is a way to learn about our ancestors. I enjoyed watching the video because I saw a new architecture in which everything is done enjoying what nature gives us, in this case, were the volcanoes.

    Fabio Teles 9ºE Nº 14

  3. Hello!
    I've seen very strange houses a television program, as houses shaped car and dog, but were not natural phenomenon. And so I think the Valley of the Fairy Chimneys is a spectacular place.

    Iolanda Costa 7ºB Nº9

  4. who fear
    I was not going there.
    seems to be very dark and very moist
    was a good place to spend Halloween ...
    João Basílio 7ºA n.21

  5. Hi everyone,
    those houses are part of strange phenomena around the world.
    They are both interesting and cozy. I also hope they are safe to live in :-)
    the teacher

  6. I liked to visit the valley fairy chimneys!
    should be beautiful.
    And also is a way to learn about our ancestors.
    Ana Luísa 7ºA

  7. I wouldn´t like to live there in valley fairy chimneys but like Basílio said it would be a nice place to spend halloween

    Bernardo Santos n8 7º A

  8. Hello teacher!
    I think it was a good place to live but it must be very cold in winter.
    Is an interesting phenomenon of nature.

    Marta Meireles nº15 7ºB

  9. Hi...
    I would visit this place that I find very interesting.

    João Vieira nº19 7ºA

  10. I assume that local cultures are slightly different from our general but it would be interesting to go to see the fairy chimneys.
    Pedro Matias 7ºB Nº20

  11. Hi! Sounds like a very interesting place so that you can visit.

    Ana Pinto Nº4 7ºA

  12. Hi!
    It was very very interesting visit.
    Joana Dias N°10 7°B

  13. Should be fun to do a study visit there.

    Tiago Rebelo 7ºB Nº25

  14. Hi,
    so your opinions vary.
    Some would like to go there and sleep in such strange houses, others not so much.
    But you must admit it is a beautiful view.

  15. Hi!
    I problably couldn´t live there because I´m used to the comfort of my house, but I think that this is an amazing phenomena and I would love to see it.

    Rita Faria nº22 7ºB

    1. Hi Rita,
      It is really amazing, isn't it?
      Of course, it would be a bit unpractical to live there on a dily bases. But just for fun, and just for a little while, who knows... :-)

  16. Hi teacher,
    we can visit one day?
    this place is enteresting and fun.
