Let´s enjoy English

Hi! Welcome to my blog for my ESL students ( or any others) in AEAS.

In this space you can share ideas, expand writing / listening (…) skills and, last but not least, you can have a good time while learning English.

Let´s enjoy it!

sexta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2010

Legend of the guardians

Have you already seen the movie?
I haven´t. Give me your opinion on it.

17 comentários:

  1. i love this song, it is very cool (:

    beatriz dias nº6 7D

  2. thanks teacher!
    i asked for this music and the teacher put here, thanks!

    thanks, edgar 7D

  3. the music is interesting flies teacher choice

    Mariana Leocádio 7ºD

  4. The song is very cool!!!

    Bernardo Sousa 8ºD:)

  5. this music is very cool and the images too!! :)

    Joao Tiago 8ºD

  6. The music is very cool and the picturs are very pretty.
    Nuno Peixoto 7ºD nº20

  7. Hi everybody,
    I couldn´t agree more: the song is beautiful and the pictures too.
    But after all, what is the film about?
    Do you know?
    The teacher

  8. I love that song is very nice ,i wish the see movie too.


    Queirós 7ºD nº22

  9. Hi, Queirós,
    I´m happy ,you liked the song.Try and watch the movie,then.
    The teacher

  10. Queirós , «BAY» não se escreve assim, é «BYE»

    We love this song! xD

    Beatriz nº5 e Catarina nº9 7ºD

  11. Hi, everybody!
    Just a quote that can help you find a key to success- be curious, ask, search and you will learn a lot more!

    I keep six honest serving-men

    (they taught me all I knew ):

    Their names are WHAT AND WHY

    And WHEN and How

    And WHERE AND who

    Rudyard Kipling

  12. Here´s something more from Albert Einstein:

    " I do not have any special talent, I am just madly curious"

  13. Know you what it is to be a child ?
    It is to be so little that
    the elves can reach to whisper in your ear;
    It is to turn pumpkins into coaches and
    mice into horses, deer into dearling and
    nothing into everything, for each child
    has a fairy godmother in its soul.

    The Dublin Review July 1908
    by Francis Thompson

  14. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"
    Her´s a tip for you to learn those "horrible" irregular verbs:
    Try to memorize 3 of these verbs everyday- come on, it´s just 9 little words! Start on the 1st of November- you willbe surprised at how many you will have learnt by the 1st of December- and then, just go ahead doing the same, everyday.

  15. Joke

    There was this zebra in the zoo. It kept going around to other animals saying:
    "Hi, I´m the zebra from the zoo"!What do you do?"
    The pigs said:" Nothing to do, just honk-honk."
    Then she went past the chickens and repeated:
    "Hi, I´m the zebra from the zoo"!What do you do?"
    The chickens were quiet, only the cock said:
    "We cockle-do-a-do!"
    She walked a few yards more an she(it) saw the Bull.
    "Hi, Bull, I´m the zebra from the zoo. What do you do?"
    The Bull looked at her and asked:
    " So, you want to know what I do?"
    " Well, sure, bull, what do you do?"
    The Bull answered: " Zebra, babe, you take out your pyjammas, and you ´ll see what I CAN do"!

  16. Hi Fátima,

    thank you for the quotes. They are really interesting.
    One of these days I´m thinking of posting something connected to that on the blog.Let´s see :-)
    And your joke was ... I hope they (the students) didn´t get its meaning :-) :-)LOL

  17. Thank you Beatriz and Catarina,

    you are really paying attention.
    Good for you. Keep correcting "them" :-)
